Wednesday, January 02, 2008

Long Live the Soviet State!

BEIJING: Our first day back in Moscow and I headed out to VDNKH to check out the one thing I missed out on last time. The place is an enormous series of exhibition halls built around a massive central boulevarde. Designed to celebrate the achievements of the Soviet state it now holds a series of rather depressing shops and markets. The one cool thing is a huge replica of a space shuttle right at the back, and an Aeroflot plane that, for about 100 roubles, you can go and sit in. I didn't. I've actually sat in real planes.

After VDNKH I walked around for a while hoping to find a cinema but failing I headed over to the Pushkin which was okay but disappointingly they've split the two collections so now it's only about half as good. Then I checked out the church across the road but I'm too hungry and tired at the moment to remember what it was called.


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