Monday, October 08, 2007

Some Men Have Greatness Thrust Upon Them

ST LUKE'S: Might as well quickly point out that we spent the weekend in Stratford-Upon-Avon. In between watching the rugby (I only got to see one out of, what were by all accounts, four amazing games), we found time to admire Tudor houses, visit Shakespeare's birthplace, watch a Royal Shakespeare Company performance of The Twelth Night with John Lithgow and watch some swans on the River Avon.

After spending the night in Studley Castle (more a manor house than a castle, but with an imposing facade at the top of a long, winding drive way we're really just splitting hairs aren't we?)we drove down through the Cotswolds to Bath where we took tea and scones in the historic Pump House while we were serenaded by a lovely trio. Views into the bathouse were included in the price of scones. Though a glass of horrid tasting spa water was an extra 50p. Then after a strawl through the stunning town full of gorgeous Georgian buildings, it was back into the car and back to London where my three mile commute from the car hire place to Greg and Lisa's took almost as long as the drive across the country.


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