Monday, January 15, 2007

Another Weekend down

ST LUKE'S: Another weekend over and I'm back at work listening to The Sports Factor and trawling endlessly through Yorkshire newspapers. And five full days till the next one. Still I did come across an article about a white water centre in Wales that offer two day courses for £105. I've got a birthday coming up...

But I can't complain. If I did people would stop dropping by and I'd end up with less hits and comments (That's not technically possible. Ed.) than I have now. Friday night I visited my cousin's place, caught up with the fam and supped some of his fine desert wine.

Saturday morning was the last little bit of OT for the month and then Saturday afternoon I walked down to Southbank to check out the latest installment in the Unilever series at the Tate Modern. For those of you outside the UK I'm referring to "The Slides". Then in the evening Kate and I visited the local wine bar before coming home for steak sandwiches and home fries.

Sunday I cooked a Spanish Frittata then went for a walk through Battersea Park before taking in The Maltese Falcon at the NFT with Kate, Shannon and Nick.


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