Just Another Aussie Bogan
Come join me taking in the sites of Europe: St. Patrick's Day in Dublin, La Tomatinna, the Running of the Bulls in Pamps, Beerfest in Munich, tinnies at the dawn service in Galipoli obnoxious accents on the Tube, snakey poured down the front of a girl's white top, it's all here. Mate, she'll be f%$£&n apples!
nice shots mate.
the blue hut a weapons cache
& ur the next bond with one round
left u scuba through the maze
of ancient posts, breach & unpeel
ur wetsuit like an old profession,
up past the lighthouse, then grope across
the fields' chiarascuro of cloud-shadow
to the paradise of ammo. the fresh
clip of each new day is something
u think about as you sprint across the white
cliffs - pan out and we see how
they’re cut like some prehistoric opera house
hope u don't mind the hack ventriloquism mate - done with the most sincere motive of homage etc... hey luke, if ur reading, fancy joining me in posting spontaneous poems? (at least until Liam puts the 'crap poem' filter on his comments!) anyone else? particularly poems of 'ekphrasis' - you know, poems that respond to images/photos etc
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