Monday, July 31, 2006

Operation Ratcatcher : Destination The 'Dam

BEDFORD ROAD: It doesn't bode well for our young heroes

the birdman of Amsterdam,

a flying Scotsman,

the leader of the peloton,


and CC.

In the beautiful city of



Technicolor houses,

and sunsets.

After a 45-minute flight, fortified by cheese and bacon baps on BA

they started the morning in fine song

and finished the afternoon in tune.

The following day, after massive Dutch pancakes and revivers, it was time to see the sites.

The world famous flower market,

the Rijkesmuseum (which is largely closed but still costs
the regular 8 Euros),

and even hired a paddle boat (Ed. It seemed like a good
idea at the time.).

That evening they visited The Supper Club, carbo loading for the night ahead with a five course blind menu that included such delicacies as beef fillet with foie gras, chicken in truffle oil, a $5 shake, sea bass and poached quayle egg. With four bars of energy they were up to face the best the city could throw at them.

When the adventurers got home they found

another quester had entered their lair

lucky for them the heroes were five dapper lads as witty
as early Woody Allen.

Having taken the best the seedy metropolis could throw at them, and bested it, Saturday saw our heroes

contemplate their triumph.


But it would be remiss of me to conclude this post without a fitting tribute to that unique individual whose departure we were there to celebrate. In the words of Mr. Thomas Love Esq., have you met my friend...?


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