Friday, January 20, 2006

Rodents in Washington

I got this from my cousin's travel email. And since we've just finished a phase of our journey, that started with a celebrity sighting, I thought it was kind of circular:

On the way home we had another celebrity sighting. I had sensed a general antipathy amongst the readership about Stanley Tucci. Not many enquiries were received. Our next brush with fame was with a man whose contribution to his chosen profession is about on par with Tucci - John Nance Garner once described the position of this man as not worth a pitcher of warm spit! {Garner was a Texan and a tobacco chewer so his experience with warm spit - in a pitcher or otherwise - exceeds mine.}

In any event, we were taking a short cut through the back of a cinema complex when I noted two cars. One was a black Chevy Suburban with tinted windows and the engine running. The other was a sedan with not one but four aerials at the back. Out the front of the cinema were another two sedans, another 3 Chevy's, three local cop cars and assorted other vehicles. The street was filled with serious looking men in suits talking into their hands. We were held up on the pavement by a DC cop and a group emerged from a local restaurant. Marg was ready to take a photo but was unable to pick any of the group who actually looked important. So, away sped the leader of the free world, the former President.... of Halliburton, the puppet master,..... US vice president Dick Cheney. Has anyone heard of him either?


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